Penn-CHOP Blood Center for Patient Care and Discovery

Clinical Studies for Blood Disorders

The Penn–CHOP Blood Center is currently leading the following patient-oriented studies in non-malignant hematology:

Studies at Penn for Adults with Blood Disorders

PI Study population Short title
Bessler Bone marrow failure Bone marrow failure registry
Cines Normal donors T2MR platform for hemostasis testing
Chiang ITP Investigational anti-CD20 mAB for ITP
Cuker Hemophilia A and B DVT in hemophilia after joint replacement surgery
Cuker Suspected HIT Improving the diagnosis of HIT
Cuker HIT Retrospective HIT registry
Cuker Patients with heparin allergy listed in chart Heparin allergy study
Cuker Suspected VTE Nitrated fibrinogen as a marker of VTE
Cuker Patients presenting to ED
with suspected VTE
Overuse of CT-PA
Fogarty Hemophilia A Biogen A-long-acting rFVIII
Fogarty Hemophilia B Biogen B-long acting rFIX
Fogarty Hemophilia A Biogen A-long-acting rFVIII extension study
Fogarty Hemophilia A and B ACS in patients with hemophilia
Fogarty Severe VWD rVWF phase III
Fogarty Hemophilia A Adult hemophilia prophylaxis study
Fogarty Bleeding disorders High throughput hemostasis testing
O'Doherty Patients undergoing PSC mobilization for HSCT Monitoring mobilization efficacy
Raffini Hemophilia B AAV Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B

Studies for Children with Blood Disorders

PI Study population Short title
Chou Sickle cell Risk factors for alloimmunization in SCD
Friedman Febrile neutropenia Granulocyte transfusion for febrile neutropenia
Kwiatkowski Sickle cell TWiTCH (HU vs. transfusion for primary stroke prevention)
Kwiatkowski Sickle cell HU Prevent (HU for prevention of silent infarcts)
Kwiatkowski Sickle cell PFAST (incidence of PFO in patients with SCA and stroke)
Kwiatkowski Thalassemia CDC registry
Lambert Children with platelet disorders Pediatric platelet disorder registry
Lambert CIT in children w/ solid tumors Endogenous PF4 and platelet recovery
Raffini Severe hemophilia A (PUPs) Inhibitor formation of rVIII vs. plasma-derived
Raffini Pediatric DVT Catheter-directed thrombolysis in children w/ DVT
Raffini Pediatric thrombosis Risk factors for pediatric thrombosis
Raffini Cystic fibrosis Catheter-associated thrombosis in cystic fibrosis
Raffini Children on warfarin Pediatric warfarin pharmacogenomics
Raffini Children with CVCs Diagnostic tests for catheter-associated DVT
Smith-Whitley Sickle cell GMI-1070 for vaso-occlusive crises in SCD
Smith-Whitley Sickle cell Prasugrel for SCD
Smith-Whitley Sickle cell Nutrition and SCD
Witmer Severe hemophilia A ADAMTS13 and hemophilia
Witmer Hemophilia A and B Sports-related bleeding in hemophilia