Penn-CHOP Blood Center for Patient Care and Discovery

Penn-CHOP Blood Center Grant Opportunities

Pilot Studies Applications

Application deadline: February 15, 2013, 11:59 pm

The newly-formed Penn-CHOP Blood Center for Patient Care & Discovery solicits applications for seed money grants to initiate pilot studies that will lead to extramural grant support. The proposed projects can be focused on any aspect of non-malignant blood research, and special consideration will be given to projects that will lead to new collaborations between investigators.


Evaluation criteria:

  • scientific merit, creativity, and innovation
  • prospects for future extramural funding
  • relevance to the fields of hematology and transfusion medicine.


The principal investigator (PI) must be a full-time University of Pennsylvania (Penn) or Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) faculty member or trainee. Where the PI does not hold the rank of assistant professor or above at Penn, a full-time Penn faculty member at this rank must agree to serve as mentor. Multiple distinct proposals from the same investigator(s) are welcome.


Applications for funds up to $30,000 in total direct costs will be considered. No indirect costs will be covered. Salaries of faculty members, trainees, and instructors are not allowable. Salary support for research staff may be included.

Grant Term:

Up to 1 year beginning April 1, 2013. Unexpended funds must be returned at the end of the funding period.


  • Please include the following components, in this order:
    1. title of the proposal;
    2. name, degrees, and academic title of PI and other investigators;
    3. abstract (=250 words),
    4. 2-page NIH biosketch of the PI and (if applicable) faculty mentor;
    5. specific aims of the pilot study;
    6. significance and innovation;
    7. approach;
    8. specific plans for applying for external funding, including funding agency, mechanism, and deadline;
    9. whether the study involves human subjects as defined by Office for Human Research Protections;
    10. literature cited;
    11. itemized budget with brief justification.
  • Items 5-7 together may not exceed 3 pages.
  • Use 11 point font, single spacing, and 1 inch margins.
  • The entire application must be compiled as one PDF file. The name of the PDF must be the last name of the PI. Email the application to Charles Abrams, Penn-CHOP Blood Center Director [].
  • Notification of funding decisions will be made in March 2013.


Funds for studies involving human subjects will not be released until the PI provides evidence of IRB approval or IRB determination of exemption.

PIs of funded pilots must:

  • join the Penn-CHOP Blood Center if not already a member;
  • acknowledge Penn-CHOP Blood Center support in resultant publications and presentations;
  • submit a final report; and
  • present final results at a Penn-CHOP Blood Center -sponsored seminar.

Additional Grant Opportunities

Grant ID Grant Name Primary Investigator
5T32HL007439-34 Hematology Clinical Research Training Program Skip Brass
5T32DK007780-14 Hematopoiesis Training Grant Eric Russell
K12 HL097064 Mentored career development in clinical research in non—malignant hematology Charles S. Abrams, MD
2T32HL007150-36 Pediatric Hematology Research Training Program Katherine High
5T32HL007971-12 Training Grant in Hemostasis and Thrombosis Douglas Cines
5T32HL007775-19 Transfusion Medicine Research Training Program Donald Siegel